VEI hardware version:Software version:Manufacture year:
MB Truck ExplorerV31.0 – 3.02011-2014
Truck ExplorerV44.0 – 5.92014-2016
Truck ExplorerV54.0 – 5.92016-2018/10
Truck ExplorerV66.0 – 6.xx2018/10 – now

Functions and licenses:

 Software v.:3.05.96.xx 
 License:201420182019 or later    Functions
1MB MEMOincludedincludedavailablePLD (MR)  external FLASH & EEPROMs Read&Write by OBD;  Checksum. By OBD or DC/DC2
2MB KEYSincludedincludedavailableKey programming on PLD (MR).  MR and FR IMMO OFF. By OBD or DC/DC2
3MB CALCincludedincludedavailableCalculates codes for VeDoc ( X1, X2, X8);  FDOK (XT, XS, XN) algorithms
42011+includedincludedavailableMEMO; KEYS; CALC functionality with Continental PLD based on XC2287 CPU. PLD firmware v.: 22B; 23E; 24B. By OBD or DC/DC2
52014+not possibleincludedavailableMEMO; KEYS; CALC functionality with MR Continental XC2287 firmware v.: 23F; 24C; 25B, 26x; By DC/DC2
62018+not possiblenot possibleavailableMEMO; KEYS; CALC functionality with MR2 XC2288H Continental PLD  firmware v.: 30C; By DC2
7GS2 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableGearbox ECU GS2 (EPS3) Read/Write with DC2U tool. VEI V6 is needed.
8DCincludedincludedavailableOperations by Direct Connection 1 cable
DC cable is included.
9DC2not possibleincludedavailableOperations by DC2 or DC2M2 tool.
DC2U is NOT supported.
10CRVnot possibleincludedavailableS, ML, GL class CRV & CRV2 Flash&EEPROM R/W via OBD
11CR (CDI)not possibleincludedavailableV-class CR1 Flash & EEPROM R/W; WSP-CR pairing
*not all versions
includedavailableFR&CPC – C167, ST10F276 Flash & EEPROM R/W.
OBD and DC2 mode
13FR BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableFR1; FR2 – C167 Flash & EEPROM R/W in BSL mode
14CPC BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableCPC0; CPC1 – ST10F276 Flash & EEPROM R/W in BSL mode
15ADM BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableADM2; ADM3 – Flash & EEPROM R/W in BSL mode
16CPC4 OBDnot possiblenot possibleavailableCPC4 – TC1796 Flash & EEPROM R/W by OBD
17CPC4 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableCPC4 – TC1796 Flash & EEPROM R/W in DC mode 
18CPC4 BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableCPC4 – TC1796 Flash & EEPROM R/W in BSL mode 
19MCM BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableMCM, MCM2, ACM1, ACM2, ACM2.1 unlocked – Flash & EEPROM Read / Write by DC2 in BSL mode
20MCM2.1 BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableMCM2.1 – Flash & EEPROM Read / Write (unlocked) via DC2. Not supported password protected MCU.
21MCM2 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableMCM2 Flash & EEPROM Read/Write via DirectConnect2 tool box in  Software mode
22MCM2.1 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableMCM2.1 (locked/unlocked) Flash & EEPROM Read/Write via DC2 in Software mode.
23ACM2 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableACM2 Flash & EEPROM Read/Write  via DirectConnect2 tool box in Software mode
24ACM2.1 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableACM2.1 (locked/unlocked) Flash & EEPROM Read/Write via DC2 tool in Software mode.
25MCM OBDnot possibleavailableavailableMCM1 Flash & exEEPROM Read / Write by OBD.
26MCM2 OBDnot possibleavailableavailableMCM2 Flash & exEEPROM Read / Write by OBD.
27MCM2.1 OBDnot possibleavailableavailableMCM2.1 (locked/unlocked) Flash & exEEPROM Read / Write by OBD.
28ACM2 OBDnot possibleavailableavailableACM2 Flash & exEEPROM Read / Write by OBD.
29ACM2.1 OBDnot possibleavailableavailableACM2.1 (locked/unlocked) Flash & exEEPROM Read / Write by OBD.
30EIS ISPnot possiblenot possibleavailableSFTP EIS Read/Write Flash&EEPROM by DC2U in ISP mode. D70F3628
31SFTP CALCnot possiblenot possibleavailableMB SFTP (MP4) VeDoc/Fdok XS; XT; XN; X1; X2; X8
32MAN KEYSincluded
*not works
includedavailableKey programming on MAN FFR and PTM.
33MAN FFRnot possibleavailableavailableMAN FFR memory R/W. OBD and DC2
34MAN FFR BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableMAN FFR – Flash & EEPROM Read / Write in BSL mode
35MAN PTM DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableMAN PTM – Flash & EEPROM Read / Write by DC2
36MAN EDC7 DCnot possiblenot possibleavailableMAN EDC7 – Flash Read / Write by DC2.  EEPROM read not available
37IVECO VCM2not possiblenot possibleavailableIVECO VCM2 TC1765 FLASH EEPROM Read/Write by OBD or DC2
38IVECO VCM2 BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableIVECO VCM2 TC1765 FLASH EEPROM Read/Write by DC2 in BSL mode
39IVECO VCM3 BSLnot possiblenot possibleavailableIVECO VCM3 MB91F469G FLASH EEPROM Read/Write by DC2 in BSL mode
40IVECO CALCnot possiblenot possibleavailableIVECO VCM PIN calculation. OBD or DC2
41MB EXTRAincludedincludedavailableSpeed limit R/W for FR/CPC; Torque limit R/W; AdBlue error Erase. MP3
42CPC3 EXTRAnot possibleincludedavailableSpeed limit R/W for CPC3; MP4 (SFTP)
43ADM EXTRAincludedincludedavailableSpeed limit R/W for ADM3;
44MB DIAGincludedincludedavailableMB Fault codes DTC Read/Erase; All code descriptions. OBD/DC2. PLD and MCM systems.
45MAN DIAGnot possiblenot possibleavailableMAN Fault codes DTC Read/Erase; All code descriptions. OBD/DC2  EDC7 and FFR system only
46Androidnot possiblenot possibleavailableTruck Explorer Android license 
47Update/supportonly supportonly supportavailable12 months updates & support subscription included in a kit

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